Statement: Miina Hujala and Arttu Merimaa

We have been curating the Finnish and Russian artistic exchange programme Connecting Points since 2016. A critical starting point for us as the curators is the idea of a diverse and equal society that operates as a humane, environmentally focused, self-critical, and open social model.
Through the Connecting Points programme, we still want to dismantle all forms of control, containment, and takeover. Our aim is to bring forth connectivity between people and places as a way of displacing and bypassing structures in which inhuman states perform as actors. We remain committed to interacting with individuals and perspectives that enhance peace, justice, mutual respect, and diverse content. We continue to attach importance to communication and dialogue. Yet in this situation, we understand that the programme cannot continue as it is.
We are against all actions of aggression. We stand for peace in Ukraine right now. The resources of Connecting Points-programme and Reside / Sustain-project will be directed to support those in need in Ukraine.
Also, here is a list of organizations through which support can be given:
* Reside/Sustain is part of the Connecting Points programme of HIAP